Cisco’s 2024 Global Networking Trends Report: Tackling Network Complexity and Security Challenges

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The Challenge: Rising Network Complexity and Cybersecurity Risks

As enterprises evolve, their networking environments become increasingly complex and distributed. Cisco’s 2024 Global Networking Trends Report highlights the pressing need for advanced solutions to manage and secure these intricate systems. The report surveyed 2,052 IT professionals across ten global industries, revealing the core challenges and priorities for modern network architecture.

Key Findings from Cisco’s 2024 Global Networking Trends Report

Cisco’s latest report underscores several significant trends and concerns for IT leaders:

  • Network Complexity: Modern network architectures are more sophisticated and widespread, spanning multi-cloud and multi-vendor environments.
  • Cybersecurity Risks: Rising cybersecurity threats are a top concern for IT leaders, with 40% citing it as their primary challenge over the next year.
  • Distributed Workloads: The increasing demand from new applications and workload types, along with a vastly distributed workforce, compounds these challenges.
The Solution: Cisco’s Integrated Network Platform

To address these issues, Cisco advocates for a centralized network platform. This integrated system combines software, policy, and open APIs with advanced telemetry and automation, simplifying network management across multiple domains.

Key Benefits of Cisco’s Network Platform:

  • Centralized Management: Provides end-to-end network management and an intuitive user interface.
  • Advanced Telemetry: Aggregates data across network domains, generating insights from AI analytics.
  • Enhanced Security: Proactively defends critical infrastructure and ensures seamless digital experiences in real-time.
  • Cost Efficiency: Reduces total cost of ownership by avoiding significant hardware upgrades.
Adoption and Future Trends

According to the report, nearly 72% of respondents expect to leverage a platform architecture across one or more domains within the next two years. Of those, 39% anticipate scaling this architecture across all domains, streamlining network management, and unlocking numerous business and technical benefits.

Future Network Management Expectations:

  • AI-Driven Automation: 60% of respondents expect AI-enabled predictive automation across all domains to manage and simplify network operations.
  • Enhanced Security Integration: 76% plan to adopt a secure access service edge (SASE) architecture, integrating SD-WAN and security service edge (SSE) cloud security.
  • Sustainability Goals: 55% believe IT will lead their organizations’ sustainability strategies, with network-driven energy management playing a significant role.
Data and Insights

Cisco’s report provides valuable insights into how organizations are preparing for the future:

  • InfiniBand vs. Enhanced Ethernet: Currently, 32% of organizations use InfiniBand for high-performance workloads. In two years, 56% plan to deploy next-generation enhanced Ethernet networks to support AI workloads.
  • Sustainability Focus: Today, 42% of organizations view sustainability as a critical area for network-driven digital business success. This is expected to rise to 55% within two years.
  • Energy Management: 60% of respondents anticipate significant positive impacts from network-driven energy management solutions on their sustainability strategies. Your Partner for Advanced ICT Solutions

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Conclusion: Embracing the Future of Networking with Cisco

Cisco’s 2024 Global Networking Trends Report provides a roadmap for navigating the complexities and security challenges of modern network environments. By adopting integrated network platforms and leveraging AI-driven automation, organizations can optimize operations and enhance their digital experiences.

For more detailed information on how Cisco’s solutions can revolutionize your networking strategy, visit

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